Forum on sexual violence against women and girls

(VOV) -A policy forum on preventing and eliminating sexual violence against women and girls was held on November in Hanoi 25 to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Organized by the Ministry of Labor Invalids and Social Affairs and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Vietnam, the forum participants discussed their experiences, lessons, and recommendations in preventing and dealing with sexual violence against women and girls.

Violence against women and girls still exists as one of the worst violations of human rights in the world, becoming an obstacle to efforts to boost development, peacekeeping and equality in society.

Vietnam, in its development and international integration, has always paid heed to realizing measures to ensure social welfare and promote sustainable development.

Participants also proposed high-quality support services such as health care, psychological support and legal assistance, ensuring all victims have easier access to these services.

According to a survey by the Mastercard International Financial Group, Vietnam achieved 66 out of the 100 index scores for women’s advancement and ranked 5th among 16 countries surveyed in the Asia Pacific region.

The Vietnamese government has asked relevant sectors and organizations to overcome challenges to improve gender equality and eliminate violence against women and girls.
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