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4 years 3 months
Submitted by ctv_en_1 on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 11:50
To date, the country has 77 drug rehabilitation centers which are able to treat between 55,000 and 57,000 drug addicts. Many legal documents have been proposed and approved. Over the past 10 years, nearly 340,900 drug addicts have been detoxified and rehabilitated.

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) has reviewed the last 10 years of the Party Political Bureau’s direction on enhancing the leadership and management of drug prevention and control.

After 10 years of implementation, the MoLISA has cooperated with relevant ministries and sectors to submit 25 documents, including directions, laws, resolutions, ordinances and decrees to the Party Secretariat, the National Assembly and its Standing Committee, the Government and the Prime Minister.

After the Law on Drug prevention and control was introduced in 2000, legal documents relating to drug rehabilitation have been revised. These legal documents have helped localities effectively implement the Party’s policies and guidelines on drug rehabilitation.

In addition, authorized agencies for drug rehabilitation from the central to grassroots levels have been improved. Many drug rehab centers have been built or upgraded to receive and treat drug addicts.

The MoLISA has expanded the number of drug rehab centers from 58 in 1996 to the current 77 in 51 provinces across the country to treat between 55,000 and 57,000 drug addicts. Additionally, the country has 10 rehab centers managed by volunteer youth forces, 13 rehab centers run by provinces and cities, and several private rehab centers by individuals receiving licenses from the MoLISA.

Management and treatment of drug addicts has been improved remarkably in terms of both quantity and quality. Over the past 10 years, nearly 340,900 drug addicts have been detoxicated and rehabilitated. Of them, 208,680 were detoxified at rehabilitation centers, and about 132,200 received treatment at home. Due attention has been given to management work and job generation for detoxified addicts in order to help them stabilize their lives and reintegrate into the community. After the detoxification period at rehabilitation centers, drug addicts are sent back to their families and local authorities who continue to take care of them.

Most local authorities ask social organizations, such as veterans’ association, women’s union and fatherland front, to provide assistance to detoxified drug users. People’s committees in some localities, such as Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Nghe An, Hanoi and Da Nang, have taken tough but effective measures to help detoxified addicts get jobs and reintegrate into the community.

According to the MoLISA, in the 2001-2005 period, the increase in new drug addicts was kept under control in eight out of 64 provinces and cities nationwide, while the number of drug users was reduced in 17 out of 64 provinces and cities. The number of drug users who are pupils, students and State employees has decreased considerably. The rate of drug addiction relapse has dropped from 90-100 percent in the 1996-2000 period to 70-80 percent at present.


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