Daily caseload falls by 583 to 15,586 on December 25

VOV.VN - The Ministry of Health announced the detection of 15,586 new COVID-19 cases on December 25 across 57 localities throughout the country, down 583 from one day earlier, with Hanoi leading the tally with 1,879.

A number of localities nationwide continued to report high numbers of local infections, including Tay Ninh with 9,46, Ho Chi Minh  City with 885, Vinh Long with 875, and Dong Thap with 789.

At present, the country has now confirmed 1,634,455 infections, thereby ranking 31st out of 223 countries and territories globally.

The Ministry also confirmed 241 deaths caused by COVID-19, with Ho Chi Minh City taking the most with 42, thereby raising the national death toll to 31,000 or 1.9% of the total infections.

The fourth wave that hit the country in late April has now seen over 1.63 million COVID-19 cases, with 1.22 million having recovered.

A further 14,423 patients were declared free from the disease over the past 24 hours, taking the total recoveries to 1,229 million.

Furthermore, over 65.3 million of the nation’s 96 million population have been fully vaccinated with two doses, whilst more than 2.2 million have now received their third dose.

Elsewhere, the country sits bottom of Bloomberg's latest COVID Resilience Ranking amid the continuing outbreak casting a shadow over the Vietnamese economic outlook.

The nation now ranks 53rd in the rankings, described by Bloomberg as a "monthly snapshot of where the virus is being handled the most effectively with the least social and economic upheaval."

The country came last in December "after its export-dependent economy was slammed by outbreaks causing factory shutdowns during the peak holiday production season."

This marks a drop of two places from November as its resilience score fell from 45.3 to 43.3. A year earlier, it ranked 10th with a score of 74.3.

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