COVID-19: Vietnam registers five more imported cases on Nov. 23

VOV.VN - Three Vietnamese citizens and two foreigners returning from overseas have been diagnosed with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, bringing the country’s tally of coronavirus infections to 1,312, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH).

Of the two foreign experts, one is an Indian citizen and the other is a Filipino national, the MoH said in its 18.00hrs update. In addition, one of the new cases is a flight attendant living in Ho Chi Minh City.

All the five patients were quarantined as soon as they landed in Vietnam, thus posing no risk to the community.

They all tested positive for the virus on November 22 and were transferred to health facilities for medical observation and treatment.

The new five cases have raised Vietnam’s tally of coronavirus infections to 1,312, including 1,151 recoveries and 35 deaths.

The remaining 126 patients are in stable health condition, with 28 having tested negative.

Vietnam has gone through 81 consecutive days without new locally transmitted cases being detected.

Currently, nearly 16,000 people who returned from overseas or had contact with COVID-19 patients are being placed in quarantine for medical surveillance.

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