COVID-19 testing compulsory for all residents in lockdown areas

VOV.VN - The Ministry of Health on September 2 requested localities that are implementing social distancing measures to test all of their residents for COVID-19 at least three times from now till September 15.

The request was made as a large number of infections have been recorded daily in the community over the past weeks.

The ministry said extensive testing will help early locate, detect, isolate and treat positive cases, while slowing the spread of the virus in the community.

According to the ministry, testing will be conducted in high- and very high-risk areas. Healthcare workers will come to every door to take samples every two or three days, and the results will be returned during the day.

Testing will also be conducted in other areas, with samples to be taken every five to seven days.  

Vietnam recorded 13,197 new coronavirus infections in 39 cities and provinces nationwide on September 2, with 7,255 cases detected in the community.

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