Bac Lieu confirms cluster of COVID-19 infections in hospital

VOV.VN - The general hospital of the Mekong Delta province of Bac Lieu confirmed on June 22 that 25 child patients have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and a child has died of the virus.

The two-day-old baby suffered severe pneumonia symptoms, and test results showed the baby was positive for the virus.

Through tracing, the authorities found that on June 14, a 5-month-old boy in Tan Thanh commune had a fever and stopped breastfeeding. He was taken to a private medical facility but did not respond to the treatment.

Three days later the boy was transferred to the Bac Lieu General Hospital 16 where he tested positive.

Twenty-five other children at the hospital’s pediatric department have since contracted the virus through testing.

There are six patients on ventilators, a doctor told local media outlets, adding only few of the child patients have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

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