Assistance offered to more than 30 million children

The National Fund for Vietnamese Children (NFVC) has mobilised more than VND5.5 trillion (US$243.3 million), goods and volunteers to support some 30 million children across the country.

The information was released by NFVC Director Hoang Van Tien at a meeting with press on the organisation’s 25th anniversary in Hanoi on April 18.

Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Hong Lan underlined the remarkable contributions the organisation has made to Vietnamese children.

The fund has served as a bridge connecting the community, society, international organisations and children, encouraging the community to protect and educate children.

Over the past 25 years, the fund has organised numerous activities, including the 15-year “For children’s hearts” programme funding heart surgeries worth nearly VND80 billion (US$3.54 million) and a functional rehabilitation programme for children with disabilities, particularly victims of Agent Orange/dioxin.

Since 2001, 34 rehabilitation centres have been established in 24 provinces and cities nationwide, benefiting more than 23,000 children.

Since 2000, the fund has also provided long-term financial assistance for thousands of orphan students or those whose parents are disabled or unable to work, giving each about three-six million VND per year, worth a total of VND6.6 billion (US$292,000).

The Deputy Minister urged the fund to improve their operations and methods to mobilise resources and donations while promoting its activities to draw attention from organisations and individuals.

According to Tien, the fund aims to provide long-term assistance for children, so they can continue their education and have a better life. The organisation will also build schools in mountainous, border and sea-island areas and provide eye check-ups for students.

By 2020, the fund aims to mobilise VND80 billion (US$3.54 million) per year.

A ceremony will be held in the Hanoi Opera House on May 4 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the fund (May 4).
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