Youth strength motivates national development: Party leader

The Vietnam Youth Federation should work to ensure ideology and actions of young people from all classes of society are unified given their development will safeguard the country’s stability and sustainable growth, stated Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Addressing the 7th National Congress of the Vietnam Youth Federation (VYF) that kicked off in Hanoi on December 29, the Party Chief affirmed that young people are future owners of the nation and they are the vanguard force in the national construction and defence. 

They are one of the deciding factors in the country’s renewal and socialism-building causes, the Party chief noted before 800 delegates representing Vietnamese youngsters coming from all fields nationwide and living abroad. 

He highlighted that the youth is placed in the cornerstone of Vietnam’s human resources development strategy and that the Party, State and people always have high trust and hope on them.

The leader urged the VYF to continue contributing to fostering the national solidarity bloc and gathering youngsters to effectively realise the Party and State’s policies and law. 

The federation’s programmes and activities should reflect the characteristics of young people as well as their needs and contain ideological orientations, he stressed. 

Young people should be guided to follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example and understand and join in fighting against the “peaceful revolution” scheme launched by hostile forces, the leader stressed. 

The Party chief also called on Party organisations, state agencies and the entire society to create all favourable conditions and a healthy social environment for the growth of the youth. 

In his opening speech, VYF President Nguyen Dac Vinh said in the 2010-14 period, the federation has grown strongly, especially organizational work, becoming a reliable friend of the youth. 

For its 2014-2019 tenure, the federation has defined to make the most of young people’s powers for the national construction and defence, Vinh noted. 

During the congress, the VYF also launched the “I love my homeland” movement with a view of encouraging youngsters to act practically for national development.
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