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Submitted by ctv_en_3 on Fri, 06/19/2009 - 17:40
On June 18, Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) held a ceremony to celebrate the 84th anniversary of Vietnam’s Revolutionary Press Day.

Since the beginning of this year, the VOV has fulfilled its political tasks by promoting the implementation of the resolutions of the 10th National Party Congress which aim to step up socio-economic development and deal with the economic downturn, while maintaining economic growth and ensuring social welfare. The VOV has covered many major events such as the 55th anniversary of the victory at Dien Bien Phu, the 50th anniversary of the Truong Son Trail and the campaign to “Study and follow late President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example”.

In addition, it has focused covering issues related to the impact of the global economic slowdown on Vietnam’s economy in the past two years since its entry to the WTO.

The VOV has continued to expand its satellite, terrestrial FM and Internet coverage over more than 90 percent of all residential areas.

To mark the 119th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday, the VOV inaugurated a new National radio house at 58 Quan Su street- a historical site familiar with millions of listeners in Vietnam and over the world. This was part of a project to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long-Hanoi.

The VOV also began broadcasting its video image radio programme on UHF channel 38.

Over the past five months, the VOV Transport channel broadcast on FM 91 MHZ for Hanoi and its adjacent provinces has received a lot of appreciation from the public. 

Everyday, the VOV’s transport channel receives around 300 – 400 telephone calls from listeners, not to mention requests for favourite songs.

In the remaining months of this year, the VOV will continue to focus on publising the State and Party’s policies, guidelines and laws, and improve the quality of all main information channels - radio broadcasting, VOVTV, printed newspaper and VOV online. The VOV will also increase its broadcasting time on VOVTV and transport channels and also radio broadcast on FM/AM-HD in Hanoi and HD-TV by 2010. It will fulfill the role of president of the International Council of Francophone Radios-Televisions (CIRTEF) for the 2009-2011 period.

Speaking to VOV staff and officials, General Director Vu Van Hien said that the Party and State consider the VOV as an outstanding news medium. The VOV has tried its best to achieve excellent results over the past 6 months. In the near future, its transport channel will be expanded to reach every city across the country, such as Hai Phong, Da Nang, Can Tho and Ho Chi Minh City.

The VOV also held a ceremony to present the State’s most prestigious prizes, the Labour Order (second and third class) for outstanding individuals and organisations.

To mark Vietnam’s Revolutionary Press Day, the VOV presented prizes for high-quality pieces of work.

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