Vietnamese Party chief's contributions in Cuban media spotlight

VOV.VN - The Cuban media have given wide coverage of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong, praising his significant contributions to Vietnam, as well as to diplomatic ties between both nations.

Featured in its July 25 issue, the Juventud Rebelde daily reserved an entire page for demonstrating the Cuban Party, State, and people’s sentiments towards General Secretary Trong. The front page also lead with a report on leaders of Cuba, including First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, coming to pay their last respects to the Vietnamese Party leader on July 24 at the Vietnamese Embassy in Havana.

The newspaper also mentioned General Secretary Trong’s visits to Cuba, especially the trip to Santiago de Cuba in March, 2018, to commemorate the departed leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro.

It cited Speaker of the National Assembly of People’s Power and President of the Council of State of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez, who visited Vietnam to attend the state funeral, as expressing to Vietnamese leaders that Cuba feels this loss as its own.

On July 22 when Cuba declared a period of national mourning for General Secretary Trong, Granma, the official voice of the PCC, and many other dailies in the Caribbean nation turned the traditional colours of their publications to black in commemoration of the Vietnamese Party chief.

Granma reserved a whole page of its July 22 issue to cover the CPV leader’s statements about the important role of the youth. It cited many parts of his speech at the celebration of the 90th founding anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (March 26, 1931 - 2021).

Cuban media emphasised General Secretary Trong’s influence on the two countries’ special ties. They noted that he visited Cuba five times, during which he met and held working sessions with some of the country’s top leaders and that each visit served to further strengthen Vietnamese relations with Party and State leaders, as well as the people of Cuba.

The media outlets highlighted General Secretary Trong as being a close friend of Cuban leaders such as Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, and many current ones.

They also reported that General Secretary Trong had been granted the Order of Jose Marti, the noblest honour of Cuba, in 2012 in recognition of this exceptional contributions made to the solidarity and friendship between the two Parties, States, and peoples. He was also granted the Doctor Honoris Causa (Honorary Doctor) title on political science by the University of Havana in 2018.

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