Vietnam represented at APF General Assembly

VOV.VN - The Vietnamese sub-committee has urged the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie (APF) to boost the flow of information and exchanges among French-speaking countries to deal with the negative impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The Vietnamese sub-committee, in its role as APF Vice President for the 2019 to 2021 tenure, made the call during a virtual plenary session of the APF General Assembly held from January 28 to January 29.

Co-chaired by Amadou Soumahoro, President of the Ivory Coast National Assembly (NA) and the APF, alongside Jacques Krabal, secretary-general of the APF and member of the French NA, the event saw the participation of 88 APF sub-committees.

The nation used the event to call for better support to be given to developing nations in order to accelerate digital transformation in aspects of social life and parliamentary affairs, whilst simultaneously reducing the technology gap that exists among countries.

It is also expected that as prestigious multilateral organisations, both the OIF and APF will raise their voices in a bid to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines whilst supporting the ongoing development of vaccines in developing countries.

Throughout the duration of the two-day event, Louise Mushikiwabo, secretary-general of the OIF, delivered various reports and answered questions concerning measures aimed at assisting member countries to respond to healthcare and political crises.

This was done alongside disseminating strategies and actions aimed at meeting goals in multilingual and multicultural development, education, higher education and scientific research, access to new technologies, peace, democracy, and human rights promotion. In addition, topics relating to the empowerment of young people and women, along with co-operation actions towards sustainable development, were also discussed.

The APF General Assembly moved to adopt resolutions on the political situation in Burundi and Central African Republic, co-operation in response to climate change, ways to combat cyber violence against women and children, and the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

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