Vietnam, Cuba look toward cooperation in COVID-19 vaccine production

VOV.VN - Both sides have emphasized the significance of cooperation in COVID-19 vaccine production as a way to help Vietnam carry out its dual goal while improving the commercial potential of the Caribbean nation’s science research, health care and vaccine production in Asia and the wider world.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC) Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez on July 27 held a wide-ranging discussion on measures to  augment and improve the efficiency of cooperation between the two Parties and countries in the ahead.

During their telephone talks, the Vietnamese Party chief  warmly congratulated Cuba on the 68th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution  (1953-2021) and the 100th birthday of heroine Melba Hernandez (July 28, 1921-2021), who was a comrade of Fidel Castro and Raul Castro, a close friend of Vietnamese people and a symbol of the special friendship between the two nations.

Party General Secretary Trong applauded the efforts of the Cuban Party, State and people in realizing  the Resolution of the 8th Congress of the CPC, going ahead with the process of updating the socialist socio-economic development model.

He shared the difficulties Cuba is facing amid tightened embargo measures and the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on every aspect of Cuban people’s life. Trong expressed his appreciation for the work of the Party, State and the entire political system of Cuba to timely  deal with arising issues as a mean of stabilizing the situation and firmly safeguard revolutionary achievements.

On behalf of the Party, State and people of Cuba, First Secretary of the CPC Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez thanked Vietnam for gifting 12,000 tonnes of rice at a time when his nation is encountering plenty of difficulties, highlighting it as a vivid manifestation of Vietnam’s consistent solidarity and a source of great and timely encouragement for the Revolution and people of Cuba.

The Cuban official briefed Trong on the situation in Cuba and hostile forces’ plots to incite instability in the country, while reiterating the firmness of Cuban communists and people in protecting the revolutionary achievements, initiated by leader Fidel Castro.

He reaffirmed the wish and determination to further deepen the special traditional friendship between the Parties, States and peoples of Vietnam and Cuba, while assuring his country’s readiness to give priority to cooperation with Vietnam in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, including the provision and transfer vaccine production technology to Vietnam.  

In response, the Vietnamese Party leader re-affirmed the faithful solidarity of the Party, State and people of Vietnam with the righteous cause of the Cuban Party, State and people. Vietnam will continue to accompany Cuba in the process of updating its model of socialist socio-economic development, and support Cuba in ensuring food security through the stable provision of rice and programmes to develop the production of rice, maize, coffee and aquatic products, Trong said.

He greatly valued the support and cooperation of Cuba and Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez himself in providing and transferring COVID-19 vaccine production technology to Vietnam in near future.

During the phone talks, the pair also exchanged views on intensifying high-level exchanges to outline strategic directions, share experience on issues of shared concern, optimizing existing cooperative mechanisms, and studying cooperation possibilities in areas of their strength.

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