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Submitted by unname1 on Sun, 04/24/2011 - 10:36
A Vietnamese Government delegation led by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung arrived in Phnom Penh on April 23 to start a working visit to Cambodia at the invitation of Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen. 

Traditional relationships under review

At a meeting with former Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk on the afternoon the same day, PM Dung expressed his delight at the great achievements made by the Cambodian people over the past time.

He affirmed that the Vietnamese State, Government and people always attach great importance to consolidating and strengthening the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation with Cambodia for the benefit of both peoples and for peace, stability and cooperation in the region and the world. 

The former Cambodian King warmly welcomed PM Dung’s visit and expressed his deep gratitude to the Vietnamese Government and people for their valuable support of the Cambodian people in the past and today. 

He said he hopes that the Cambodia-Vietnam traditional friendship and cooperation will be consolidated for the prosperity of the two countries. 

PM Dung working with Acting Head of State Samdech Chea Sim
Previously, the Vietnamese government leader had met with Samdech Chea Sim, Acting Head of State and President of the Senate and Nguon Nhel, Acting President of the National Assembly. 

At the meetings, both sides expressed their satisfactions with the development of the traditional friendship between the two countries as well as the cooperation between the two parliaments and two peoples. 

The leaders of Cambodia’s legislative bodies thanked the Vietnamese people for their wholehearted support for Cambodia in its process of national revival. 

They pledged to do their best to strengthen the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries in the future.

Promoting Vietnam-Cambodia comprehensive cooperation

Also on April 23, PM Dung and his Cambodian counterpart, Samdech Hun Sen, discussed ways to foster Vietnam-Cambodia cooperation. 

The two PMs were delighted that the solidarity, friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia continue to develop in all fields. 

They highly valued preparations for the second Vietnam - Cambodia Investment Promotion Conference on April 24 during which both parties will sign a number of cooperative agreements in aviation, banking, telecommunication, hydroelectricity, mining, rubber and sugarcane growing. 

The two leaders expressed their belief that the Vietnam-Cambodia border demarcation will soon be completed, which will ensure peace, development, and prosperity in the region and the world.

They agreed that the two countries’ Joint Committee for Land Border Demarcation and Marker Planting should define and settle on the location of markers No. 30 and 275 at the Le Thanh (Gia Lai) – Odadao (Ratanakiri) and the Tinh Bien (An Giang) – Phnom Don (Takeo) international border gates and marker No. 314 in Kien Giang-Kampot provinces, the last one on the land border line between the two countries.

The areas of Chang Riec, Tan Ha, Tan Dong and Tan Binh (Tay Ninh province) and On Lung Chrey, Thlok Trach, Bung Chron, and Phum Don (Kampong Cham province) should also be settled. 

The settlement of the these marker positions and areas will help Vietnam and Cambodia addressing other areas and create a favourable premise to complete the border demarcation and marker planting along the entire Vietnam – Cambodia land border by the end of 2012 as agreed by the two countries leaders. 

Mr. Dung and Mr. Hun Sen also expressed their deep concerns over the negative environmental impacts of the hydroelectric power plants on the main secton of the Mekong River, including the Sayabouly dam.

They hoped that countries along the Mekong River, namely Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, and the Mekong River Commission (MRC) International will carefully discuss this issue before making a decision to build the hydroelectric power plants. 

PM Hun Sen informed his Vietnamese counterpart about the recent border conflicts between Cambodia and Thailand and PM Dung expressed his concerns about complicated situation on the Cambodia - Thailand border. 

As a neighbour of both Cambodia and Thailand, and a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Mr. Dung said, Vietnam hopes Thailand and Cambodia will restrain themselves to avoid armed conflicts. He also hopes Thailand and Cambodia will resolve the dispute through peaceful negotiations, based on the principles of international law and the UN Charter, and in the spirit of friendship and ASEAN solidarity for the two peoples’ interests and for peace, stability and cooperation. 

On behalf of Vietnam, Mr. Dung called upon Cambodia and Thailand to seriously follow commitments reached at the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting Retreat in Jakarta, Indonesia on February 22, 2011, in order to prevent the situation from becoming more complicated. 

The two PMs also witnessed the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding between the two governments on the adjustments to the borderline of several areas on the Vietnam - Cambodia land border and a cooperative agreement between the two countries’ aviation sectors.

On the evening of April 23, Mr. Hun Sen gave a banquet in honour of PM Dung and his entourage.

The two PMs plan to co-chair a Vietnam-Cambodia Investment Promotion conference on April, 24, which is expected to boost economic cooperation between the two countries.

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