Vietnam backs UNSC’s role in dealing with global cyber security challenges

VOV.VN - Vietnam has urged the UN Security Council, with its function of maintaining international peace and security, to pay more attention and resources to the settlement of cyberspace-related challenges and cyber security-related aspects in preventing conflicts, controlling terrorism, and protecting essential infrastructure.

In his speech at the high-level debate on “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Addressing Evolving Threats in Cyberspace” held by the UN Security Council on June 20 in New York, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, said that threats in cyberspace are increasing in both scale and complexity, posing risks of escalating geo-political tensions and directly threatening all countries, with developing countries the most vulnerable due to their limited cyberspace security capacity.

To address those threats, multi-dimensional approaches and uniform solutions are needed, the ambassador said, emphasizing that the UN plays the key role in strengthening and fine-tuning international frameworks via such initiatives as the Global Digital Compact and the Convention on Cyber Crime. At the same time, cooperation should be strengthened to raise cyber defence capacity and narrow the gap in information technology among nations.

The Vietnamese representative said that with the adoption of the Law on Cyber Security in 2018, Vietnam is taking a comprehensive approach to dealing with cyber security threats.

Vietnam backs and actively engages in international cooperation on the basis of respect for national independence and sovereignty, no interference into internal affairs and sharing of responsibilities in promoting responsible behaviours on the cyberspace, Giang said.

Under the chair of Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea Cho Tae-yul, participants expressed deep concern about the global cybersecurity and proposed solutions, including ramping up multilateral cooperation, consolidating the international legal framework and further promoting the role of the UN Security in this regard.

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Vietnam supports the expansion of the UN Security Council

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