Top Vietnamese legislator receives Governor of Russia’s Rostov region

Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Tran Thanh Man hosted a reception for Governor of Rostov region on September 10 as part of his ongoing official visit to Russia.

At the event, Man congratulated Russia on the achievements it has obtained over the past time, helping ensure socio-political stability, develop the economy, and improve its position in the international arena.

He spoke highly of Rostov’s attention to enhancing cooperation with Vietnam, given the agreement signed between the Russian region and Ba Ria – Vung Tau province during his visit as a vivid demonstration.

Man expressed his hope that the two localities will carry out their cooperation soon, and affirmed that the Vietnamese NA also supports the collaboration between Rostov and other Vietnamese localities.

He also showed his wish that Golubev will continue to pay attention to the Vietnamese community in Rostov region and create favourable conditions for them to promote their role of acting as bridges and contributing to strengthening cooperation between the region and Vietnamese localities, and between the two countries in general.

The top legislator hoped that the governor will encourage local businesses to enhance economic, trade, and investment cooperation, and foster cultural, tourism, and educational exchanges with localities in Vietnam.

Golubev said that last February, the region’s leaders visited Vietnam and recognised the significant potential for advancing cooperation with the Southeast Asian country.

He revealed that following the talks between NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man and Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, the Russian leader has directed the further enhancement of cooperation between Rostov region and the southern province of Ba Ria - Vung Tau of Vietnam, especially the signing of the cooperation agreement between the two localities on the occasion of the Vietnamese top legislator’s official visit to Russia.

According to Golubev, Rostov has strengths in electricity industry, assembly and light industry, apparel, production of export products, and agriculture. Currently, some enterprises from Rostov have cooperated with Vietnam and achieved positive results.

He affirmed that the Russian locality’s authorities will facilitate further cooperation between businesses of the two countries.

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