Russian media cover phone call between Party chief and President Putin

VOV.VN - Russian media outlets such as Ria Novosti,, and Kommersant simultaneously reported on August 8 on the phone conversation held between newly-elected General Secretary and President To Lam and Russian President Putin.

These newspapers wrote that the phone call saw Russian President Putin warmly congratulate President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam To Lam on his election as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and wished him great success in the Party and State’s activities.

The two sides also used the time to affirm their joint determination to continue strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership that exists between both sides, as well as stepping up bilateral co-operation across a variety of fields.

The two leaders also expressed satisfaction with the progress made in terms of implementing agreements reached following Russian President Putin's official visit to Vietnam on June 20, as well as future collaboration between the two countries in the international arena, especially amid Russia assuming the role of BRICS Chair.

During the phone call, President Putin and Party General Secretary and President To Lam also agreed to continue maintaining personal contact in the future.

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Party General Secretary - a great and dear friend of Thailand and Russia

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