Russian experts compliment Vietnam’s responsible foreign policy

Russian e-newspaper Rusvesna (Russia Spring) has run an article by Dr. Alexander Korolev from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) saying that Vietnam has gained high prestige in the region and the world with success in many areas in 2020.

The article noted that Vietnam’s activities as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council received positive feedback from the international community. Another important achievement of the country was the adoption of a resolution initiated by Vietnam on cooperation between the ASEAN and the UN, it said.

The author also highlighted Vietnam’s strong performance as the ASEAN Chair in 2020, during which the association reached important agreements in socio-economic areas, particularly the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) with the involvement of 15 countries.

Last year, for the first time, the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM) approved a joint statement and a three-year plan of actions, it said.

Particularly, the article underlined that Vietnam’s multilateral and responsible external policies contributed to the country’s success with balanced external policies and external economic activities. So far, Vietnam has joined 14 free trade agreements with many world powers, including Japan, the UK, the Republic of Korea, the European Union, and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

Dr. Korolev highlighted the role of ASEAN and Vietnam in combating COVID-19 with the foundation of a COVID-19 response fund, an ASEAN Regional Reserve of Medical Supplies, a Center On Public Health Emergencies and Emerging Diseases, and new standards on dealing with emergency situations in health care. At the same time, dozens of online meeting were held within the ASEAN framework and between the association and its partners.

The author also called attention to Vietnam’s economic success despite impacts of the pandemic, becoming one of the countries with highest economic growth.

Dr. Korolev attributed the success to the strong leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and effective governance of the government as well as the consensus of the entire political system and people.

At the same time, many Russian experts have expressed their belief in the success of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Associate Prof. Dr. Artyom Lutkin from the Far Eastern Federal University of Russia held that the congress is an important event of not only Vietnam but the international community.

He showed belief that Vietnam’s geo-political and geo-economic position of Vietnam will continue to rise.

According to Lutkin, Russia pays great attention to Vietnam’s stable and dynamic development as the country is a long-lasting friend and the most important strategic partner of Russia in Southeast Asia, and Vietnam has increasing role and contributions to the political and economic situation in the world.

For his part, Ivan Pisarev, another expert from the DVFU, noted that Vietnam was among few countries enjoying economic growth amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The enhanced position of the 100-million-strong country means Vietnamese products will be available in more markets and in Russia, he said.

Earlier, Alexander Sokolovsky, an expert from the DVFU and President of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association in Primorsky lauded the leadership capacity of the Communist Party of Vietnam, stressing that the maintenance of economic growth amid COVID-19 pandemic was an evidence of the stability of Vietnam.

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