President Phuc elated at growing Vietnam-Denmark ties

VOV.VN - President Nguyen Xuan Phuc has rejoiced to witness both nations build a close-knit and traditional friendship over many years, expressing great appreciation for the special affection that the Royal Family, Government, and people of Denmark gave to Vietnam in the national construction and development process.

President Phuc received Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary Elizabeth on November 1 at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi, during which President Phuc extended greetings from Vietnamese Party, State, and Government leaders to Queen Margrethe II.

He applauded the development achievements made Denmark, one of the leading countries in the world in terms of green growth and innovation.

In return, Crown Prince Frederik expressed his elation at once again visiting Vietnam, a country that holds a special place for the Danish Royal Family and the Crown Prince personally. He also hailed the impressive achievements recorded in terms of socio-economic development and international integration that Vietnam has recorded over recent years.

Expressing how impressed he is regarding the positive developments made in the comprehensive partnership between the two nations, Crown Prince Frederik said that he is being accompanying by major Danish businesses. Indeed, these firms remain keen to seek co-operation opportunities with their Vietnamese partners, especially in the fields of green growth, renewable energy, and efficient use of energy.

Denmark shares its vision for sustainable development with Vietnam moving forward, he added.

Impressed with Vietnamese efforts to fulfill its commitments to reduce emissions to zero by 2050, the Crown Prince believes that ties between the two sides have plenty of opportunities to develop the green growth sector and energy transition.

He expressed his desire to accelerate the speed of the establishment of a Green Strategic Partnership in order to raise the level of effective and practical co-operation between the two countries.

For his part, President Phuc assessed that the friendship and comprehensive co-operation that exists between the two nations are at a very positive stage of development, especially in the fields of politics - diplomacy, trade - investment, the environment, education – training, and people-to-people exchange.

Denmark represents an important partner of Vietnam in Europe and the Nordic region, with last year’s two-way trade turnover nearing US$600 million.

Denmark has risen to the third position in terms of countries investing in Vietnam this year, with the Lego Factory project worth US$1 billion, thereby bringing the total Danish investment capital up to US$1.78 billion.

There is still plenty of room for both nations to achieve stronger co-operation, President Phuc said, while hoping that the Danish Royal Family and Government would continue to support the deepening of the mutual comprehensive partnership in the near future.

President Phuc said that he hopes that the Nordic country will provide continued support for Vietnam in terms of experience, technology, and finance in carrying out its climate commitments. He also believed that Danish businesses will increase investment and successfully conduct business in Vietnam in the fields of Denmark's strengths and Vietnam's demand, thereby effectively taking advantage of the opportunities brought about by the EU-Vietnam Trade Agreement. Free (EVFTA).

The two sides agreed to expand co-operation in education and training, cultural exchanges, and tourism in order to foster the friendship and deepen mutual understanding between the two peoples as a means of contributing to tightening the sound relationship.

President Phuc respectfully asked Crown Prince Frederik to convey his invitation to visit Vietnam to Queen Margrethe II.

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