Nicaragua supports Vietnam in protecting independence, sovereignty

Nicaragua always supports Vietnam in safeguarding its national independence and sovereignty and believes that all peace-loving nations in the world will back Vietnam’s stance, said a senior official of Nicaragua’s ruling Sandinista National Liberation Front Party (FSLN).

Carlos Fonseca Teran, FSLN Politburo member and Deputy Secretary of the FSLN International Relations Department made the comment in an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency. The official is leading an FSLN high-level delegation on a working visit to Vietnam. 

He said Nicaragua hopes Vietnam and China will settle their disputes in the East Sea soon through peaceful measures in conformity with international law. 

Carlos Fonseca Teran noted that Vietnam and Nicaragua has shared a traditional relationship since 1961, and the FSLN has learnt a lot from Vietnam’s experience, adding that he hopes for greater cooperation in the field of personnel training. 

He hailed the sound partnership between the two countries, especially in science-technology and agriculture over the recent past, with Vietnam taking part in sea canal projects and entering the telecommunications market in Nicaragua. 

The exchange of delegations, especially high-ranking ones between the two countries, is very helpful in strengthening bilateral ties, he said.

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