NA to discuss Hanoi capital planning on June 20

The 15th National Assembly (NA) is scheduled to discuss the Hanoi Capital Planning for the 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2045, and a project to amend the master plan of Hanoi until 2045 with a vision to 2065 on June 20 as part of the legislature’s ongoing seventh session.

On the day, the NA will discuss in groups a draft law on amendments and supplementation to a number of articles of the 2024 Land Law, the 2023 Housing Law, the 2023 Law on Real Estate Business, and 2024 Law on Credit Institutions.

The bill, comprising five articles, aims to enable the Land Law, Housing Law and Law on Real Estate Business to take effect from August 1, 2024.

Particularly, the bill recommends that Clause 10 of Article 255 and Clause 4 of Article 260 of the Land Law will become operational from January 1, 2025.

In the afternoon, NA deputies will listen to a proposal and a verification report on the draft Law on Urban and Rural Planning and the draft Geology and Minerals Law before discussing in groups on the bills.

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NA Standing Committee to convene 34th session on June 11
NA Standing Committee to convene 34th session on June 11

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee will convene its 34th session in Hanoi from June 11-13, announced the NA Office.

NA Standing Committee to convene 34th session on June 11

NA Standing Committee to convene 34th session on June 11

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee will convene its 34th session in Hanoi from June 11-13, announced the NA Office.

Lawmakers discuss NA supervision programme for 2025
Lawmakers discuss NA supervision programme for 2025

General Secretary of the Nation Assembly (NA) and Chairman of its Office Bui Van Cuong on May 30 presented a report summarising the anticipated supervision programme for 2025, as part of the NA’s ongoing 7th session.

Lawmakers discuss NA supervision programme for 2025

Lawmakers discuss NA supervision programme for 2025

General Secretary of the Nation Assembly (NA) and Chairman of its Office Bui Van Cuong on May 30 presented a report summarising the anticipated supervision programme for 2025, as part of the NA’s ongoing 7th session.