NA leader calls for EU assistance in assessing COVID-19 vaccines

VOV.VN - National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue asked for the European Union (EU) support for Vietnam’s efforts to access European COVID-19 vaccine sources, while receiving Ambassador Giorgio Aliberti, Head of the EU Delegation to Vietnam, in Hanoi on May 21.

He also expressed a wish for broader cooperation with Vietnam in sharing the copyright for vaccine production technologies.

In response, Aliberti underlined the importance of increasing vaccinations against COVID-19 to create wide coverage as soon as possible, affirming that the EU strongly supports the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) mechanism.

The mechanism has so far provided 2.4 million doses for Vietnam and will continue to increase the number by the end of the year, he added.

The pair showed their elation at great strides in the EU- Vietnam relations, especially the positive economic and trade growth recorded despite COVID-19.

They agreed with an initiative from the European Parliament (EP)'s Committee on International Trade on establishing a joint cooperation mechanism to monitor and continue promoting the implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

Host and guest affirmed that they place importance on and step up the comprehensive partnership and cooperation, including strengthening relations between Vietnam’s National Assembly and the EP as well as with the parliaments of EU member countries, particularly in legislation. The promotion of cooperation between the EP and the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), of which Vietnam serves as an important bridge, they noted.

Considering the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) an important partner of the EU and underscoring the bloc’s support for ASEAN's centrality, the ambassador said he hopes Vietnam will continue playing an active role in the reconciliation of regional issues. 

The top Vietnamese legislator said that Vietnam supports the EU’s role in maintaining peace, stability, and development in Asia-Pacific and the wider world.

Vietnam will redouble efforts to cooperate with ASEAN leaders regarding the reconciliation of regional issues, he added.

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