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4 years 3 months
Submitted by ctv_en_5 on Thu, 06/08/2006 - 18:00
National Assembly (NA) deputies on Thursday discussed the draft Law on Residence and the draft Law on Technology Transfers.

The draft Law on Residence, comprising 42 articles and four chapters, stipulates the residence of citizens in the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, residential procedures, the rights and obligations and responsibilities of citizens, households, agencies and organisations in residential registration.

Regarding the scope of adjustments, most deputies agreed that residential issues should be revised in the draft law but emigration must be resolved by different measures and policies as it is a socio-economic issue under the management of other legal sectors.

The draft Law on Technology Transfer including 50 articles and six chapters, stipulates technology transfer services and measures to encourage and boost technology transfer activities.

Deputies said that it is imperative to intensify technology transfer activities in remote and mountainous areas as it is the most efficient and fastest measure for poverty reduction in countries like Vietnam.

Some said that despite being renewed during the past 20 years, technology transfer activities remain poor and behind world standards. Therefore, it is essential to devise specific regulations on technology transfer activities to develop the technology market, particularly in remote and mountainous areas, so as to bridge the technology transfer gap between rural and urban areas.

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