Legislators call for better quality laws

Members of the National Assembly Standing Committee have urged for better quality draft laws to match the revised Constitution before they are presented to the National Assembly (NA).

At the session on April 23 discussing the law and ordinance building programme for 2015 and revising the 2014 programme, the members asked the Government, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy and other agencies to explain their mission in compiling legal documents and ensuring the progress and quality of laws and ordinances.

A report by the NA Law Committee in charge of examining and verifying the NA's law and ordinance building programme said there were shortcomings in the implementation of the programme.

Some draft laws were not presented in accordance with the schedule; while some were encountering substantial delays. Others lacked the necessary guidance documents and some did not address the problems at hand, the report said.

A report presented by the Government at the session proposed the 2014 law and ordinance building programme should be supplemented with draft laws on the organisational structure and competence of relevant State agencies, in order to implement the revised Constitution which was approved at the last NA meeting in late November last year.

The Government's report also said the 2015 programme would focus on draft laws and ordinances which ratify elements of the Constitutions, especially those regarding the economy, human rights, and the rights and basic duties of citizens.

Also in its report, the Government proposed an additional NA session on law building to take place over 10-15 days by late July of 2015, so that up to 38 drafts could be presented and discussed. It argued that with only two NA meetings a year currently, which are normally held in May and November, only 34 drafts would be presented and discussed next year.

However, most NA Standing Committee members rejected the proposal, saying it would waste time and financial resources to hold the additional meeting. Others suggested holding two meetings as usual but extending them to accommodate discussions on the draft laws.

At the meeting, the Government asked to delay presentations for the draft revised law on the organisation of the Government and the draft law on local authority to afford relevant agencies more time to research and conduct feasibility studies on their alignment with the new Constitution.

Some NA Standing Committee members have said the two should be discussed soon given their close relationship with other draft laws that need adjustments.

Later the same day, NA deputies discussed a draft resolution on the treatment, supervision and handling of citizens' complaints.

The resolution would affect all levels of administration, from the National Assembly to its offshoot bodies, Standing Committee, deputies and delegations.

Chairman of the NA Office Nguyen Hanh Phuc said strict supervision was necessary to see if authorised agencies abided by regulations in dealing with complaints.

Deputy Head of the NA People's Aspiration Committee, Bui Nguyen Suy, proposed connecting citizens' complaints with its supervisory work to ensure agreement between agencies.

To make sure there was a legal foundation for the treatment of citizens' complaints, the draft resolution would require NA agencies, the NA Standing Committee, deputies and delegations to check on how they were handled, said Chairman of the NA Law Committee Phan Trung Ly.
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