Upholding the great value of the August 1945 Revolution

VOV.VN - Seventy-seven years ago today, Vietnamese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, carried out the August Revolution, smashing the age-old colonialism and feudalism.

As a result of the general uprising, Vietnamese people seized power and established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the first of its kind in Southeast Asia.

August 19, 1945, is a date that will forever go down in history as not only a brilliant milestone, but also as a landmark event that shook the system that supported colonialism, and inspired and oppressed and exploited people worldwide to rise up and fight for independence, democracy, and social progress.

The victory of the August 1945 Revolution was to solidify the passionate patriotic tradition, wisdom, and strong will of the Vietnamese nation that was promoted under the genius leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh. The results of the victory came about from revolutionary movements that had continuously taken place for 15 years since the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The success of the revolution constitutes an important turning point in the country’s struggle for national construction and defence. Vietnam has since entered a new era of national independence associated with socialism, with local people becoming the masters of their own nation and own destiny whilst staying united with one heart to build and develop Vietnam into a stronger and more prosperous land.

The August 1945 Revolution provided invaluable lessons that remain fresh in the present-day world, thereby serving as a solid foundation for the whole country to reap fresh victories. They include lessons on Party building, promoting the strength of the great national unity bloc, as well as upholding the spirit of innovation, creativity, and self-reliance.

For the various difficult and arduous stages of revolutionary struggle, the Communist Party of Vietnam has always maintained its leadership role with the platform, guidelines, and action plans that perfectly suit the relevant conditions and circumstances of each period. During the General Uprising in August 1945, the Party gathered millions of people, creating a strong wave that engulfed aggressors and their henchmen.

Over the past 77 years, the historic autumn spirit of the August 1945 Revolution has greatly inspired the entire Party and people to overcome all difficulties and hardships, and created glorious feats in the era of Ho Chi Minh. Vietnam successfully drove away the French colonialists and American imperialists, unifying the entire country and taking firm steps on its pathway towards socialism.

In any circumstances, Vietnamese people, millions coming together as one, always have full confidence in the Party’s leadership that remains steadfast in the chosen path. Indeed, it is determined to carry out the Doi Moi (Renewal) policy, resulting in tremendous achievements of historical significance. The August 1945 Revolution could not be considered a great success without the outstanding contributions of great President Ho Chi Minh, the genius leader of the Vietnamese revolution, and the sacrifices made by millions of heroes and martyrs.

The entire Party, people, and army are currently striving to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress in order to build and perfect a socialist and law-governed state of the people, by the people, for the people. They are intensifying efforts to overcome difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, restore production, and comprehensively promote the Doi Moi process. As part of the journey, the revolutionary tradition is the source of strength for the entire nation to continue to make miracles and build a stronger Vietnam.

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