PM requests multi-layered strategy to control COVID-19

VOV.VN - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh asked localities on March 4 to continue a multi-layered approach to COVID-19 in order to effectively control the disease and support the country’s ongoing economic recovery.

Addressing a meeting of the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Hanoi, PM Chinh pointed out that the outbreak is continuing to develop in both a complicated and unpredictable manner, especially following the emergence of the Omicron variant.

Given the rapid spread of the virus, including the emergence of new variants, difficulties and challenges are anticipated to outweigh opportunities and advantages in the coming time, he warned.

Statistics from the Ministry of Health indicate that daily infections have risen considerably over recent days, climbing from 50,000 to 75,000 and reaching 100,000. Indeed, 125,000 cases were even recorded on March 4, with most of the infections diagnosed in northern localities.

To keep the outbreak in check, PM Chinh requested that ministries and localities focus on the effective control of risks, attempt to reduce severe cases and deaths, and avoid overloading the health system.

It is imperative to strictly abide by the 5K message, including wearing face masks and washing hands with sanitizer, along with vaccination, medicine, technology application, people’s attitude, and other flexible measures, stressed the PM.

He urged localities to speed up the ongoing vaccination campaign for people of all ages, including children aged five to 11 and those under five, as well as examining the possibility of offering those at risk a fourth inoculation.

The Ministry of Health shall urgently license medicines which will be part of the disease prevention and treatment strategy to ensure the safety, effectiveness, and conformity with the context, international regulations, and practices, the PM ordered.

He reminded the Ministry of Health to evaluate the situation regarding herd immunity and further study the international experience as COVID-19 becomes an endemic disease.

Along with the continued COVID-19 fight, the Government leader also stressed the necessity of promoting rapid recovery and sustainable development, maintaining an economic balance, as well as solving and taking care of social security issues.

Vietnam has recorded more than four million COVID-19 infections since the start of the outbreak more than two years ago. Notably, the Omicron sublineage BA.2 which has now spread to more than 80 countries and territories, has been found in nearly 90% of all samples in the country.

The number of locally-acquired infections nationwide has increased by 197.9% compared to the previous month, although the number of deaths, hospitalisations and severe cases have decreased by 47.1%, 24.5%, and 43.1%, respectively.

The country has so far received a total of 218 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines from various sources, with more than 196 million doses administered nationwide.

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