PM requests improving quality of planning work

VOV.VN - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on March 2 asked ministries, agencies and localities to increase the efficiency of the planning work so as to support national development tasks.

Despite certain gains, planning has revealed shortcomings, failing to live up to expectations, said the PM at a national conference on the planning work, citing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, lack of awareness, undue attention, limited investment and improper appraisal as major causes.

According to the PM, planning should be considered an important political task in 2022, and more efforts should be made to enhance the efficiency of the work.

Only when good planning is made, will we have good projects and attract potential investors, stressed the Government leader.

In his opinion, planning must be one step ahead as it closely mirrors Party guidelines and State policies, sticks to reality, and adapts to any changes.

Planning must be formulated in a way that promotes distinct potential, outstanding opportunities and competitive advantages of every industry and locality, he said, adding the planning work must point out contradictions, weaknesses, difficulties and challenges that need to be addressed.

The Government leader also pointed out that the ministries, agencies and localities must strengthen inspection and supervision of competent agencies and people elected bodies in the appraisal and approval of planning to both ensure progress and quality improvement.

It is necessary to select eligible consulting contractors both locally and internationally, and make full use of good opinions and recommendations from scientists, managers, people and businesses, he stressed.

With regard to the national master plan for 2021-2030 and vision for 2050, the Prime Minister asked designated agencies to study more about zoning plans in order to find new motivations for regional development.

National planning must be harmonized, taking into account economic benefit, social justice, environmental protection, as well as mid- and long-term visions, concluded the PM.

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