Vietnamese, Cuban Parties enhance friendship

Senior officials of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC) and the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee (CPCCC) held phone talks on November 20 to discuss measures to boost ties between the two parties.

During the online talks, Vo Van Thuong, Politburo member, Secretary of the CPVCC and head of the CPVCC Commission for Information and Education, said over the past six decades, Vietnam and Cuba have stood side by side with each other during the past struggles for national independence and freedom, and the present cause of national construction and defence.

The relationship has become a symbol of the era, he stressed, citing leader Fidel Castro as saying the relationship is unprecedented and the invaluable asset of the two Parties and peoples.

The official affirmed the Vietnamese Party, State and people’s consistent stance on supporting the revolutionary cause of their Cuban counterparts, and expressed his belief that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Cuban people will continue to successfully updating the socialist-oriented socio-economic model.

Echoing Thuong’s view, Victor Gaute Lopez, Secretary of the CPCCC and head of the CPCCC’s Ideology Commission. said the fraternal relations between Vietnamese and Cuban Parties, States and peoples will be forever the exemplary relationship in the temporary world.

He congratulated Vietnam on its achievements in the fight against COVID-19, and expressed sympathies over losses caused by natural disasters to the country over the past time.

Victor Gaute Lopez said he believes that under the sound leadership of the CPV, Vietnamese people will overcome all difficulties and challenges to build a strong, democratic, equal and civilised nation.

The two sides informed each other about the situation of their Parties and countries, and discussed measures to strengthen the bilateral ties in the time ahead.

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