Vice Presidents of Vietnam and Laos hold talks in Hanoi

VOV.VN - Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan on July 17 held talks with her Lao counterpart Bounthong Chitmany who arrived in Hanoi the same day for a three-day official visit.

Xuan warmly welcomed Chitmany’s first visit to Vietnam in his capacity as Vice President of Laos, and believed that the visit which coincides with celebrations of 60 years of diplomacy and 45 years of the Vietnam – Laos Friendship and Cooperation Treaty, would continue to cultivate and unceasingly strengthen the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties and States.

She congratulated the great achievements that the Party, State and people of Laos have recorded after nearly four decades of implementing the Renewal process, and expected that Laos would successfully implement the Resolution of the 11th Congress of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and its Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2021-2026.

Vietnam always stands shoulder to shoulder with Laos to overcome difficulties and move forward, she affirmed.

For his part, Chitmany spoke highly of Vietnam’s comprehensive achievements in national development and international integration in recent years, considering them a source of encouragement and important lessons for Laos.

In the face of the current complicated developments in the world, the two Vice Presidents emphasized the significance and value of the important cooperation achievements that the two countries have recorded, especially during the 45-year period of implementing the Friendship and Cooperation Treaty which they said has laid an important foundation for constantly consolidating and enhancing the comprehensive and effective bilateral cooperation.

Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, they said the two sides have maintained high-level exchanges and bilateral cooperation mechanisms, with two-way trade and investment sustaining positive momentum. The two sides have also coordinated closely in implementing and completing important cooperation projects to celebrate the Year of Friendship and Solidarity between Vietnam and Laos in 2022.

On future cooperation, both host and guest agreed that the two sides will continue to maintain visit exchanges, well organize activities within the framework of the Year of Friendship and Solidarity, and effectively implement high-level agreements, including the Vietnam - Laos strategic cooperation agreement for 2021-2030 and the Vietnam - Laos bilateral cooperation agreement for 2021-2025.

In addition to enhancing the efficiency of bilateral cooperation in defense, security, transportation, education - training, cultural - sports exchanges, as well as cooperation between localities, the two sides will further promote trade and investment ties, iron out snags for businesses, and expand connectivity of transport infrastructure, energy, telecommunications, digital economy, while boosting cross-border trade, and dealing with naturalization for free migrants and those out of wedlock.

The two Vice Presidents also exchanged views on a number of regional and international issues of mutual concern. They agreed to uphold the tradition of close coordination and mutual support at multilateral forums, especially the United Nations, ASEAN and greater Mekong sub-region mechanisms.

They voiced their support for ASEAN’s central role in consolidating solidarity, upholding common principles and stance on issues related to regional peace and security, and settling problems by peaceful means on the basis of international law.

Vice President Bounthong Chitmany cordially invited Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan to pay an official visit to Laos at an appropriate time, and the invitation was accepted with pleasure.

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