FM Bui Thanh Son pays courtesy visit to PM Hun Sen

VOV.VN - Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son on August 3 joined other Foreign Ministers in a courtesy visit to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on the sidelines of the 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM-55) taking place in Phnom Penh.

PM Hun Sen welcomed the Foreign Ministers, wished the AMM-55 meeting a success and at the same time shared some thoughts about ASEAN’s future development orientations.

The FMs thanked Cambodia for hosting the meeting and affirmed that their countries support Cambodia in fulfilling its role as ASEAN Chair 2022.

Earlier, FM Bui Thanh Son met with Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Prak Sokhonn, who is chairing AMM-55.

The two sides exchanged measures to successfully organize meetings and conferences to be held in Cambodia this year. Son stressed that Vietnam always supports and hopes that Cambodia will well perform its ASEAN Chairmanship role in 2022.

The two FMs also exchanged views on measures to promote the long-standing friendship and all-round cooperation between the two countries. They agreed to strengthen this relationship, by maintaining and promoting the exchange of delegations, high-level contact and other comprehensive cooperation mechanisms. They vowed to achieve the goal of raising two-way trade turnover to US$10 billion this year,

The two sides agreed to organize events within the Vietnam - Cambodia Friendship Year 2022 to celebrate 55 years of bilateral relations. They stressed the need to connect the two economies, and further strengthen cooperation in defense, security, agriculture, education and training, tourism and people-to-people exchanges.

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