Buenos Aires honours late President Ho Chi Minh

VOV.VN - The Vietnamese Embassy in Argentina on October 27 inaugurated a refurbished square named after Vietnam and a bronze plaque of President Ho Chi Minh’s biography placed under his statue in Buenos Aires’s Commune 12.

Addressing the inauguration ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador Duong Quoc Thanh highlighted President Ho’s great contributions to the struggle for national liberation, opening up a new era of development for peace and national independence in Vietnam. He emphasized that President Ho’s thought, especially about international solidarity, remains fresh today, serving as a lodestar for Vietnam to realize the cause of national construction and development.

The Ambassador thanked Argentina and people for their wholehearted support for Vietnam in the past and at present, affirming that after 48 years of establishing diplomatic relations, the two countries have strengthened and consolidated their comprehensive partnership based on international solidarity for which President Ho laid the foundation.

The Vietnamese diplomat thanked the authorities of Buenos Aires and Commune 12  for creating favourable conditions for the embellishment of Vietnam Square, as well as placing a bronze plaque detailing President Ho’s biography, a project funded by the Hanoi municipal administration. He expressed his hope that the friendly relationship between the two sister cities of Hanoi and Buenos Aires will develop stronger, contributing to the common relationship between the two countries.

For his part, Argentina’s Deputy Minister of Culture Valeria Gonzalez expressed his admiration for President Ho Chi Minh, a symbol of the struggle for national independence not only of Vietnam but also of oppressed and peace-loving peoples in the world.

She affirmed that generations of the Argentine people have always supported the revolutionary cause of Vietnam’s national independence and construction initiated by President Ho, and will continue to uphold the spirit of solidarity and promote friendly relations with Vietnam in all fields.

President Ho’s Statue in Buenos Aires will always be a beautiful symbol of the friendship between the peoples of Argentina and Vietnam, emphasized Deputy Minister Gonzalez.

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