In pictures: Buddhist monk and Son Tra transquil bamboo garden

VOV.VN - Buddhist monk Thich The Tuong has been working hard over the last decade to turn his one hectare farm into a bamboo conservatory on Son Tra Mountain, which protects over 110 bamboo species.

  The bamboo garden is located in Son Tra Nature Reserve, some 7km from the city center.  

In his garden, Buddhist monk Thich The Thuong has planted bamboo of over 110 species, half of the total number of bamboo species in Vietnam. 

  This is an ideal retreat on a hot summer day

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Bamboo worm, the unique food of Muong people in Thanh Hoa
Bamboo worm, the unique food of Muong people in Thanh Hoa

Insects including crickets, worms and locusts have always been favorite ingredients in the cuisine of Muong people in Thanh Hoa province.

Bamboo worm, the unique food of Muong people in Thanh Hoa

Bamboo worm, the unique food of Muong people in Thanh Hoa

Insects including crickets, worms and locusts have always been favorite ingredients in the cuisine of Muong people in Thanh Hoa province.

Vietnam offers sweet wood and bamboo tent glamping
Vietnam offers sweet wood and bamboo tent glamping

VOV.VN - If you’re looking for a unique experience spending a night on a beach nestled amongst tropical vegetation in an environmentally friendly wooden tent all at an economical price, then here are some options that may be right for you.

Vietnam offers sweet wood and bamboo tent glamping

Vietnam offers sweet wood and bamboo tent glamping

VOV.VN - If you’re looking for a unique experience spending a night on a beach nestled amongst tropical vegetation in an environmentally friendly wooden tent all at an economical price, then here are some options that may be right for you.

Vietnamese man creates e-car from bamboo
Vietnamese man creates e-car from bamboo

An engineer from the central province of Quang Nam has made electric cars even more enviro-friendly.

Vietnamese man creates e-car from bamboo

Vietnamese man creates e-car from bamboo

An engineer from the central province of Quang Nam has made electric cars even more enviro-friendly.