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4 years 5 months
Submitted by unname1 on Sun, 07/31/2011 - 10:50
The anti-Muslim extremist who confessed to a bombing and youth camp massacre that killed 77 people in Norway has told investigators he also considered attacking other targets linked to the government or the prime minister's Labor Party, police said Saturday.

During a 10-hour questioning session on Friday, Anders Behring Breivik asked interrogators how many people he had killed in the July 22 attacks, and "showed no emotion" when they told him, police attorney Paal-Fredrik Hjort Kraby told reporters in Oslo.

The 32-year-old Norwegian has confessed to setting off a car bomb that killed eight people in downtown Oslo and then gunning down scores of youth from the left-leaning Labor Party at their annual retreat on an island northwest of the capital. Sixy-nine of them died.

Kraby said Breivik had considered other possible targets to strike as he prepared what Norway's Police Security Service has described as a meticulously prepared attack by a lone culprit.

"The other targets were government and Labor Party targets," Kraby said.

He declined to confirm a report in Norwegian tabloid VG saying Breivik had described the Royal Palace and the Labor Party's head office as potential targets. The paper did not cite its sources.


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