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Submitted by unname1 on Fri, 09/02/2011 - 12:20
Former deputy premier Tony Tan was sworn in as Singapore's new president on Thursday, five days after scraping to victory in an election where his slim margin showed falling support for the ruling party.

Tan, 71, perceived as the government's proxy candidate in the August 27 vote, succeeded S.R. Nathan to become the seventh president of the small but affluent island-republic.

Tan took just over 35 percent of the vote in the four-cornered fight.

Tan's winning margin over his closest rival was just over 7,000 votes out of 2.15 million cast.

Singapore's last contested presidential election was in 1993 -- the president was chosen by parliament before that. Former diplomat Nathan, who is seen to be close to the PAP, ran unopposed in 1999 and 2005.

Singapore's president, who is elected for a six-year term, has veto powers over key government appointments and safeguards Singapore's foreign reserves, which now total around $250 billion.


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