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Sat, 09/28/2024 - 11:37
Submitted by maithuy on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 10:17
A week after the senior Haqqani network leader in Afghanistan was captured, a coalition air strike killed one of his associates, NATO's International Security Assistance Force said on October 5.  

Dilawar, known by one name, died in the Musa Khel district of eastern Afghanistan's Khost province on October 4 in what ISAF called "another significant milestone in the disruption of the Haqqani network." Two other militants were killed in what was an Afghan-coalition operation, ISAF said.

Dilawar was a "senior Haqqani leader" and "a principal subordinate" to Haji Mali Khan, whose capture in Paktia province on September 27 was hailed as a blow against the network, widely regarded as one of the most effective militant groups in Afghanistan.

Western officials believe the Haqqanis were involved in the assassination last month of Burhanuddin Rabbani, the chairman of Afghanistan's High Peace Council, and a June attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul.

Dilawar planned attacks with Mali Khan, including an ambush on Afghan forces in Paktia last month.

ISAF said security forces have conducted more than 530 operations this year "to disrupt Haqqani network activities in eastern Afghanistan. It said the effort led to the deaths of 20 network leaders and the capture of more than 1,400 suspected Haqqani insurgents.


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