Vietnam forecast to sharply increase M&A activities

Vietnam is among the emerging market having high transactional growth in merger and acquisition (M&A) activities, according to a latest report released by the Baker McKenzie law firm. 

Stand-out markets for predicted high transactional growth in next five years include developed economies such as the Netherlands, the UK, Sweden, China, Hong Kong (China) and India, and emerging markets of Mexico, Egypt, and Vietnam, Singapore’s Business Times quoted the report as saying. 

Globally, Baker McKenzie analysts predicted M&A deals to rise to US$2.7 trillion in 2015 before accelerating to US$3 trillion in 2016 and US$3.4 trillion in 2017. 

M&A activity relating to emerging markets will grow dramatically, rising by 56% to US$678 billion by 2018, up from US$435 billion in 2014. 

The most active sectors over the next five years are forecast to be healthcare, telecommunications and structural financials. 

Consumer goods and services, technology and pharmaceuticals are also expected to expand due primarily to cyclical trends.
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