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Submitted by ctv_en_3 on Tue, 12/26/2006 - 10:00

The implementation of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) and the Lao Buddhist Federation (LBF) has gained fruitful results, especially in the exchange of the two countries' Buddhist students, said the Most Venerable Thich Hien Phap.

During his meeting with a visiting delegation of the LBF, led by its Vice President, Most Venerable Bouakham Saribouth, in Ho Chi Minh City on December 25, Most Venerable Thich Hien Phap, Deputy Chairman and General Secretary of the VBS's Executive Council, informed his guests of the VBS's activities.

Most Venerable Bouakham Saribouth thanked the VBS for its assistance to the LBF over recent years.

The VBS's active and concrete activities will be valuable experiences for the LBF's operation in the coming years, said Most Venerable Bouakham Saribouth.
The two sides pledged to effectively carry out the MoU for the benefit of Buddhism development in the two countries.


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