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Submitted by unname1 on Tue, 08/30/2011 - 10:53
Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan and his cabinet resigned on August 30, making way for Yoshihiko Noda, the outgoing finance minister, to be confirmed by parliament as the new premier later in the day.

Yoshihiko Noda is set to be confirmed on August 30 as Japan's sixth new prime minister in five years, starting a term in which he must push quake recovery, contain a nuclear crisis and revive the economy.

His unpopular predecessor Naoto Kan and his entire cabinet resigned in the morning, making way for Noda, the former finance minister, to be confirmed by parliament as the new premier later in the day.

Noda, 54, - who on August 29, beat four rivals in the centre-left Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) ballot to become its new president - is expected to pick his ministerial lineup in coming days.

A previously low-profile politician, Noda has stressed that he is an ordinary man without star power or looks and has promised a moderate leadership style that seeks to unite the divided party and engage the opposition.


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