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Submitted by unname1 on Thu, 11/10/2011 - 10:54
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi will step down "within a few days", the country's president Giorgio Napolitano has said.

Giorgio Napolitano said he wished to "dispel any doubt or misunderstanding" on when the prime minister would fulfill his promise to resign.

He also said there would be no delay in passing economic reforms demanded by Italy's eurozone partners.

His comments came after the country's financial crisis deepened, with government bond yields rising to 7 percent, which is widely regarded as unsustainable.

Mr Berlusconi announced his decision to step down on November 8 after appearing to lose a parliamentary majority in a budget vote, and amid mounting concern that Italy could be the next victim of the eurozone debt crisis.

The Italian president nominated the former European Commissioner, Mario Monti, as senator for life.


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