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Submitted by unname1 on Fri, 09/02/2011 - 12:11
Iran urged French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Thursday not to make comments based on ‘unrealistic information’, after Paris called for tougher sanctions over Tehran's controversial nuclear programme.

"As stated repeatedly, Iran's nuclear activity is completely peaceful and International Atomic Energy Agency reports have confirmed it," state television quoted the foreign ministry's head of western Europe affairs as saying.

Sarkozy told an annual meeting of French diplomats on Wednesday that France would work with its allies to build support for tougher international sanctions against Tehran, in a bid to force it to back down over uranium enrichment.

"Iran's defence activities are all deterrent. Remarks based on unrealistic information could act as a basis for regional instability, and it is recommended that by heeding to reality one should refrain from making such remarks," Iranian television quoted Hasan Tajik as saying.

Sarkozy had added that if sanctions against the Islamic republic failed to bring about the desired outcome, a country which he did not name could resort to a pre-emptive attack against Iran's nuclear sites.


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