Korean firm eyes US$200 mil solar power plant project

(VOV) - Hanwha Group from the Republic of Korea (RoK) is destined to build a US$200 million solar power plant with a capacity of 100-200 MW in the central ThuaThien Hue province.

This was revealed by Lee Ji Hwang- a policy advisor from the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energyat a recent meeting with Thua Thien Hue provincial People’s Committee Chairman Nguyen Van Cao.

Hanwha Group is the RoK’s fifth largest investor operating in the fields of finance, construction and energy. Hanwha is carrying out solar energy projects in Vietnam as part of cooperative agreements reached by the two governments, said Lee Ji Hwang.

The provincial leader affirmed his province’s willingness to support the group’s initiative to build a solar power plant and facilitate Hanwha’s project survey and research, adding that the group’s investment is in line with the Vietnam Government’s renewal energy development policy and the province’s socio-economic development orientations. 

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