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Submitted by unname1 on Sun, 09/25/2011 - 11:28
Fighters for Libya's interim rulers entered Muammar Gaddafi's hometown Sirte in a surprise assault that NATO said it backed to halt brutal acts by followers of the ousted regime.

National Transitional Council (NTC) chief Mustafa Abdel Jalil said an interim government would be announced next week and that the new authorities had control over Gaddafi's internationally "banned weapons".

Misrata military council spokesman Abdel Ibrahim said seven NTC fighters were killed and 145 injured in what appeared to have been a pincer movement launched from the south and east.

Using tanks and pick-up trucks mounted with anti-aircraft guns, the NTC forces cleared away roadblocks set up by Gaddafi forces and drove toward the city centre before putting up their own defences in advanced positions.

On a beach road surrounded by craters and pock-marked buildings, a 106mm anti-tank cannon repeatedly pounded Kadhafi positions, backed by a barrage of mortars and multiple rocket-launchers.

"We are pushing them back" after a "surprise" order to attack issued by the NTC's military top brass, commander Mohammed al-Aswawi said in a radio truck monitoring units on the front.

"First we get the families out, and then the order is to attack and free Sirte," he told AFP.


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