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Submitted by unname1 on Thu, 08/04/2011 - 11:30
Nine people, including two Australians, two South Africans and five Indonesians, were killed when a helicopter flying to a Newcrest mine in Indonesia crashed, said the company on Thursday.

Ten people were on board when the chopper was reported missing on Wednesday afternoon.

When it was discovered early on Thursday after an air and sea search only one survivor was found - an Indonesian who is critically injured.

"Newcrest and Aneka Tambang express their deepest sadness and condolences to family, colleagues and friends of the passengers over this tragic event," said Newcrest chief executive Greg Robinson.

The helicopter, believed to be a Bell 412, was flying to Newcrest's Gosowong mine on the Indonesian island of Halmahera, the miner, Australia's largest gold producer, said in a statement.

"There were 10 people on board the helicopter, which was transporting eight employees and contractors to the mine and there were two crew," the company said.

"Local authorities advise that there is one survivor, an Indonesian national, who is critically injured. He has been transported to a nearby hospital.


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