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Sat, 09/28/2024 - 11:37
Submitted by maithuy on Mon, 09/05/2011 - 16:29
The trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his sons is set to resume in the capital Cairo.

The 83-year-old is accused of ordering the killing of protesters during the uprising earlier this year that ended his rule. He denies the charges.

Four police officers, including a top officer, who worked in the operations room at the time are due to testify.

TV cameras are to be banned from this hearing - the third such session since the trial began on August 3.

The decision to switch off the cameras was made by Judge Ahmed Refaat at the last session. He was said to have been exasperated by the army of lawyers showing off in for the benefit of television in court.

Observers have said the move should make the work of the court easier, although opponents of Mr Mubarak have said this may be a cover-up signalling the court has done a deal with the defendants.

TV images of Egypt's leader for 30 years in a cage on a sick bed at his trial has been compulsive viewing for people across the Arab World.

The government daily newspaper, Al Ahram, said four police officers responsible for operations in the central security force would take the stand on September 4.


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