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Submitted by unname1 on Tue, 06/28/2011 - 10:24
Trade unions in Greece have begun a 48-hour general strike, hours after PM George Papandreou urged parliament to back an austerity package.

Huge crowds of protesters are expected on the streets of Athens, while public transport is set to grind to a halt.

More than 5,000 police officers are due to be deployed in the centre of Athens on Tuesday morning, when tens of thousands of striking workers are expected to march towards parliament at 1000 (0700 GMT).

The general strike will disrupt or halt most public services, with doctors, ambulance drivers, journalists and even state-funded actors taking part

Airports will be shut for hours at a time, with air traffic controllers walking out between 0800 and 1200 (0500-0900 GMT) and 1800 and 2200 (1500-1900 GMT). Ferries, buses and trains will also stop running.

On June 27, Mr Papandreou said only his EUR28 billion austerity programme would get Greece back on its feet.

If the government loses, the EU and IMF could withhold EUR12 billion of loans and Greece could run out of money in weeks.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said French banks are ready to offer new 30-year loans to Greece when its current debts fall due.

He said other European countries whose banks had lent money to Greece were considering the same model to help prevent a default. But the UK denied it was pressing banks to "take a haircut".


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