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Submitted by unname1 on Thu, 10/27/2011 - 11:00
European Union leaders met in a crunch summit on October 26 to find a lasting solution to the spreading eurozone debt crisis.

The leaders got a boost earlier in the day when German lawmakers approved a proposal to strengthen the EU's bailout fund. Analysts say that is one essential step in solving the crisis.

Heading into the talks in Brussels, German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged fellow heads of state to reach an accord.

Merkel said the EU leaders need to resolve a series of sticking points and work on moving forward.

One is a second bailout for debt-strapped Greece, whose financial woes helped trigger the larger eurozone problems.

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said it is vital not only to save the euro currency but European ideals.

"Now is the time for the European leadership collectively to take decisions, to end the uncertainty and the crisis, turn the page and make sure we make a big step forward for the better future, prosperity and security of our peoples in Europe," he said.


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