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Submitted by unname1 on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 16:30
Egyptians return to polling stations on December 14 in a phased election likely to give Islamists the biggest bloc in a parliament that will play a key role in drafting a new constitution.

The vote being staged over six weeks is Egypt's first free polls.

The army, which took over after Mubarak was ousted, remains in charge until a presidential election in mid-2012, but parliament will have a popular mandate that the military will find difficult to ignore as it oversees the transition.

The ruling army council fuelled suspicions it wanted to hang on to power, even after a new president was elected, when its cabinet proposed inserting articles in the new constitution that would have shielded it from civilian scrutiny.

Parliament's prime job will be appointing a 100-strong assembly to write a new constitution which will define the president's powers and parliament's clout in the new Egypt.

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