World Islamic Economic Forum opens in Indonesia

The 12th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) opened in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city, on August 2 with the attendance of more than 2,500 delegates, including many heads of state, from more than 100 countries. 

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Indonesian President Joko Widodo stressed that the world’s economy has been slowing down and facing instability, and so the WIEF needs consensus from Islamic countries to deal with these challenges. 

He also affirmed the potential and huge strength of the Islamic community on the world economy. 

President Widodo said Islamic countries should train a generation of young people tough enough to face competition from industries in the world, as well as focus on important issues in the community such as health and food at a reasonable price. 

Meanwhile, President of the WIEF Fund Tun Musa Hitam said innovative industries, Islamic tourism and Halal food are the sectors benefiting from the quickly growing Islamic economy and the opportunities might be bigger when cooperating with the international community. 

Vietnam’s delegation, led by Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai, attended the forum for the first time, showing that Vietnam appreciated the Islamic countries’ efforts in organising the forum and their contributions to the regional and global economy, as well as to peace, security and cooperation for development. 

Vietnamese participants will get involved in discussions on regional cooperation, international cooperation and the private sector’s role in making ASEAN’s policies and mechanisms to connect its member states with Islamic countries. 

The forum will close on August 4.
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