Vietnam, US bolster innovation and creativeness links

An event to promote links in innovation and creativeness between Vietnam and the US was jointly held by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the US Embassy in Vietnam, in Hanoi on March 7. 

Speaking at the event, US Ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius stressed that innovation and creativeness is necessary for the future of both countries, expressing his hope that the event will foster the spirit of innovation and creativeness in Vietnam as well as the development of a start-up business community in the country. 

Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Tran Van Tung said strengthened ties in the sci-tech field between Vietnam and the US will contribute to fostering innovation and start-up in Vietnam. 

In the context of integration, Vietnam needs strong enterprises, which are supported to further develop in a propitious start-up and innovation and creativeness ecosystem, he stressed.

The Ministry has strived to improve policies to assist the development of a start-up ecosystem in Vietnam, thus encouraging private sectors to set up venture capital funds, Tung said, adding that these aims at creating a convenient legal and financial climate to step up development of technology and business incubators, and the arrangement of start-up training courses, as well as supporting start-up groups in forming high-growth innovation and creativeness enterprises. 

Vietnam is willing to learn experience from other countries in creating a connection of aid sources in the field, to help the country keep pace with modern technology trends in the world, he noted. 

Through the event, Vietnam hopes for enhanced connection and experience-exchange between US firms, venture capital funds and Vietnamese start-up enterprises, in building start-up ecosystem, Tung said.

Senior Advisor to US Secretary of State David Thorne said he hopes Vietnam will reap great benefits thanks to strong efforts in promoting innovation and creativeness, affirming that t he model of the Vietnam Silicon Valley and technology business incubation establishments in universities are judicious orientations. 

The Ministry has planned to organise the 2nd TECHFEST this year for organisations and individuals operating in technology. It will also build a legal framework for venture investment, and offer start-up enterprises support in implementing the national project to promote the development of a startup ecosystem, thus boosting socio-economic development of the country in the future.
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