Thailand says 4 of 10 targeted industries benefiting from support

The Thai Ministry of Industry has pointed out it has begun see results in 4 of the 10 industries the government outlined for development in its economic policy.

Permanent Secretary for Industry Somchai Hanhiran reported that over the course of the first six months of this year the Department of Industrial Works issued factory licenses for the setting up of facilities within the government’s targeted industries. 

The licenses went to 4 of the 10 industries marked for support by the state with 322 going to the food processing sector, 47 to the electronics segment, 41 to the automotive industry and 13 to biofuels and biochemistry. 

The licenses have generated thousands of jobs and resulted in investment ranging from 5 billion baht to 26 billion baht. Overall, the 4 industries saw positive growth in all aspects, from factory establishment to employment. 

Addressing concerns that the state’s Thailand 4.0 push will replace laborers with automatic machinery, the permanent secretary assured that the goal is still far in the future and will only affect large industries at the onset. 

He said that Thai laborers will be able to develop their skills and potential and seek out higher pay work in time for the transition.

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