Strategies to bolster exports for prioritised sectors and fields

VOV.VN - The International Trade Center (ITC) has made a strategic report for Vietnam's five priority export sectors, including electronics, eco-friendly goods, wood and furniture, agriculture, and garments and textiles.

The export promotion strategy report for 10 priority sectors and fields has recently been handed over to the Ministry of Industry and Trade by representatives of the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation Agency in Vietnam.

This is taking place as part of the programme aimed at supporting the implementation of the Commodity Import-Export Strategy for the period up to 2030.

The Commodity Export Strategy Report focuses on prioritized industries and sectors and is produced by the ITC, within the framework of the Trade Policy and Export Promotion Project (SwissTrade Project).

The reports are shared with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and have been consulted by the Ministry as part of the process of developing and submitting to the Prime Minister for signing and promulgating the Strategy for Import and Export of Goods to 2030, the Action Program to implement the Strategy, and a project on restructuring the industry and trade sector in the period towards 2030.

The reports and products developed by ITC reflect the overall picture of Vietnamese export development over the past decade, duly highlighting its achievements, limitations, and causes, while simultaneously giving suggestions on export development orientations and solutions moving forward.

Bui Huy Son, head of the Department of Planning and Finance under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, said, "The activities of the SwissTrade Project focus not only on building strategic reports but also continue to support the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the organization and implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan through training courses, capacity building training for staff on management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of strategies as well as plans.”

According to Werner Gruber, head of the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation Agency in Vietnam, through the strategic co-operation relationship with ITC, Switzerland supports the Vietnamese side in outlining an overall import-export strategy aimed at expanding its scope for effective access to global markets, as well as helping to shape industry strategies and drive growth and innovation within Vietnamese key industries.

This level of co-operation demonstrates Switzerland's commitment to supporting the nation’s sustainable and inclusive economic development.

A separate strategic report for each sector was developed by ITC based on its export potential and contribution to employment and socio-economic development.

Furthermore, ITC also focuses on building its own strategy for five commercial competitive areas, including digital transformation; innovation and entrepreneurship; quality; standards and certifications; sustainability and inclusion; and trade facilitation.

These are important contributors to value chain development and exports, whilst the report's conclusions are also consistent with the country’s major economic picture.

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